
Church Partners

“For we are God’s fellow workers.” – 1 Corinthians 3:9

From the inception of the 4B DRN, our church partners have been an essential part of our organization. In fact, it was the local churches in the 4B area that formed our nonprofit. Those churches, and the others that have joined with us since then, through the direction of the Holy Spirit, continue to support us financially and by sending us volunteers.

Strategic Partners

“Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their labor.”  – Ecclesiastes 4:9

The 4B DRN places great value and is thankful for its Strategic Partners. These businesses and other nonprofits have come alongside us to serve the community. Their areas of expertise and/or their products help the 4B DRN minister to homeowners in our rebuilding efforts.

Thank You to Our Strategic Partners:

Opportunities for Involvement

Through Bring ‘Em Home, individuals, churches and organizations make donations to sponsor a specific family we are gearing up to serve.

We depend on the financial generosity of our community to be able to do what we do. We are grateful for all of our donors and hope you’ll become one!

Did you know you can add 4B DRN to your Kroger account under Community Rewards and Kroger will donate to us? Go to your account or on their app.

Individuals, families, and small groups are encouraged to use the first Saturday of the month to serve the 4B community. We hope you’ll join us!