Would you as an individual, family, small group or business consider providing a monthly financial gift of $50 toward the mission of the 4B DRN?
Since our inception in 2017, YOU have been a part of these amazing statistics:
- Over 12,000 Volunteers have served through the 4B DRN
- Over 1,700 4B Area Families have been served
- 503 Homes have been fully restored to their pre-Harvey condition
- 287 Homes have been fully restored to their pre-Uri condition
- Over $9M in grant money and donated materials have been invested in the 4B Area
- Over 100 people have come to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ
In between disasters, or in “blue sky days” as we call it, there are still many families in need. We are currently still working on “Harvey Homes” 6+ years later. There is also preparation to be done in anticipation of the next natural or man-made disaster. We are hoping to complete our “Emergency Shelter & Operations Center” in Texas City prior to the start of hurricane season next June.
The reality for the 4B DRN is this…..we need to develop “sustainable funding” in between disasters in order to continue to serve families and prepare our communities for the next disaster event.
For 2024, we need:
- $300K to meet our annual budget which provides materials for home projects, insurance, utilities, four part-time salaries, etc.
- $150K to complete the repurposing of the “Emergency Shelter & Operations Center”
The simple means through which these needs can be met is called our “Champions Fund”.
Would YOU consider making a $50 monthly donation toward sustainable funding through the Champions Fund?
Here’s the way YOUR $50 monthly donation will multiply…..
- 100 people provide $5K monthly
- 250 people provide $12.5K monthly
- 500 people provide $25K monthly
Can you imagine the impact of YOUR $50 monthly donation on the families and communities of the 4B Area?
To enroll in this monthly donation program and make a tax-deductible contribution, please click on the “Become a Donor” button below.
Should you have questions regarding the 4B DRN Champion program, please contact:
John Eckeberger, Executive Director